gravel biking, nelson, slocan valley

Nelson Gravel Biking

Nelson gravel biking is rough around the edges, wild and for the most part, steep. Those who indulge in it are rewarded with solitary jaunts through lush drainages, Kootenay views and a sense of adventure.

Kootenay bike trips
Great views of the Valhallas.

There are a plethora of routes to explore, from scenic rail trails to fringe quests delving deep into “gravel esoterica”.

Nelson Gravel biking
Black Prince Pass looking South.

Today’s lap of the Southern Slocan Range was no exception. From single track to buttery smooth gravel, a three plug hole in a side wall at km 10 and an executive lunch in Nelson, this ride had it all. Best of all, it was 87% gravel door to door. 

Nelson Gravel biking
Nothing like starting the ride with a 1300m climb.

Generally speaking, you’ll encounter various road conditions and surfaces on most rides. There are some principal routes that will feature relatively smooth roads, but we’re talking resource roads, not Tuscan gravel. Be ready for an adventure if you chose to embark on one of the more committing loops—two tubes, tubeless plugs and a patch kit are all requisite parts of a Kootenay repair kit.

Nelson Gravel biking
The rail grade back to Slocan.

At our farmstay, we provide lodging in an off-grid cabin and camping for small groups. Guests can enjoy a private forest setting with the comforts of a hot outdoor shower and a cozy cabin to spend a weekend. Fresh organic vegetables are available for purchase. You can hop on your bike and start the day with easy one kilometer cruise to Slocan Lake and a coffee at Flaca’s Café. Or you can ride up the hill and embark on one of our favourite gravel rides.

Nelson Gravel biking
A Nelson Gravel Biking Classic: The Southern Slocan Range Loop—140km and 3100m of gravel cycling adventure.

We love to ride. We also enjoy facilitating our guests’ experience while they’re here in Slocan. Part of our farmstay experience is curated beta for your riding pleasure. Let us know what you’d like ride and we can provide you with routes that will suit your taste.

Arctos Guides offers supported gravel rides and cabin rentals for small groups supported gravel rides and cabin rentals for small groups at our base in Slocan, BC.

Slocan weather