The Valhalla Traverse

The Valhalla traverse

The Valhalla Traverse is a classic tent based traverse through the high country of the Valhallas and involves big terrain, ascents and descents.  Our route takes us through the Mulvey Group and heads north through the heart of Valhalla Provincial Park to Shannon Creek near Hills, BC.

The Valhalla Traverse Itinerary

This traverse is particularly dependent on weather and conditions; it far from any escape routes and travels through steep exposed terrain. The sample itinerary requires optimal conditions to unfold as described:backcountry skiing valhallas

  • Pre-Trip meeting; Participants will meet the guide at 430pm in Slocan, BC before the trip starts. We will go over logistics, weather and avalanche conditions. We will sign liability waivers and conduct an avalanche safety briefing.
  • Day 1—We will snowmobile into the Valhalla’s near Gimli Peak at 07:00.  Our first day will involve touring up to the Niselheim/Midgard col and a great run down to the upper Mulvey lake. We will establish camp 1.
  • Day 2—We will travel west over three high cols from the Mulvey Basin to Gwillim lakes where we will establish our camp
  • Day 3—We will travel North from Gwillim Lakes over Lucifer col, Hird Lakes and Urd col and set up camp 3
  • Day 4— We will head Norteast by ascending to a col at the headwaters of Beatrice creek. From the col we will descend to an alpine basin near Avis Lakes and establish camp 4
  • Day 5— From our camp near Avis Lakes, we will descend into Beatrice Creek and head North through a pass into the headwaters of Snow creek. A short climb Eastward to a col will lead to the headwaters of Nemo creek. We finish the day with fun ski  to camp 5
  • Day 6; A big ascent over Mount Meers leads to an excellent run down to Wee Sandy Lake. A Northward traverse across the headwaters of Wee Sandy creek will take us to our last camp near an unnamed lake Northeast of Mount Niord
  • Day 7; We will travel Northwest through Nerthus-Skadi col and continue North along a ridge at the headwaters of Wragge creek.  A fantastic descent leads to a final ascent to Vingolf col and into to our last descent down Shanon creek.
  • We will travel from Hills back to Slocan by vehicle.

    The Valhalla Traverse: Prerequisites

    This is an advanced ski traverse. Prior overnight backcountry ski touring experience, preferably winter camping, and a minimum of advanced downhill skiing skills are required.

    Guests are responsible to self evaluate their skills as groups need to be matched together based on prior experience and ability.  Please contact us to discuss your background and abilities.


    This trip is located in Valhalla Provincial Park in the Southeastern British Columbia. You will be meeting with your guide the evening before the trip starts in Slocan for a final gear check. We will go over last minute changes (weather & avalanche conditions) and logistic for the following days. We will also sign a liability waiver.

    Services Included

    • Pre-trip planning support
    • Fully certified ACMG Ski guide service
    • Transportation from/to Slocan at the start and end of the trip
    • Snowmobile Access to our starting point
    • All Breakfasts and Dinners while on the trip
    • Cooking equipment for winter camping 
    • Group safety equipment (communication device, rescue kit, first aid supplies, GPS, maps)
    • Avalanche Canada Mountain Weather Forecast
    • FAQ


  • Custom Dates for this trip.
  • $3000CAD +GST based on a 3:1 guest to guide ratio

    Not included in price:

    • Food
    • Personal ski touring & avalanche safety equipment
    • Trip cancellation, adventure travel, rescue & medical insurance. Contact us for more information.

    The Valhalla traverse

backcountry ski valhallas The Valhalla traverse


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